PSPC (Position-Sensitive Proportional Counter)

심선 양단에 발생한 PULSE 의 시간차를 검출하는 것으로 심선 방향에 위치 분해능을 얻을 수 있다.
검출기의 주사가 필요없어 동시에 측정할 수 있으며, 약한 계수 강도의 시료를 짧은 시간에
측정하고자 하는 경우 사용한다.

Whatever your use or application, ORDELA, Inc. has a detector to meet your needs.
ORDELA, Inc. also can custom-design the best detector to meet your unique needs.


Neutron Beam Monitor

 ORDELA, Inc. has developed an extensive line of Beam Monitors to meet customer requirement.
Some of the more standard sizes and listed. However, ORDELA, Inc. will be glad to design
a special size monitor upon request. Efficiencies may range from 0.1% to 0.0001% at various
neutron wavelengths.


PERALS Spectrometer

‌he PERALS® (Photon – Electron – Rejecting – Alpha Liquid Scintilation) Spectrometer is a proven, unique instrument for simple, rapid alpha spectrometry. 


Rapid, Direct, Alpha Spectrometry

‌The ORDLEA Model 8210A is a large-area, gridded ionization chamber designed for rapid, direct, alpha spectrometry of environmental and bioassay samples.


Proportional Alpha Counter

Ultra-Low Background Windowless, Gas-Flow, Large Area Proportional Alpha Counter
The ORDELA manufactures a windlowless, gas-flow, multi-wire proportional counter system
designed and manufactured by ORDELA, Inc. for the detection and counting of ultra low-level
alpha surface contamination on large-area samples,  > 1000 cm2.