Low-Power Samll SiPM-Detectors
Light-Weight for Drones and Handhelds
Plug-On MCA for PMT Detectors
For Large-Volume Detectors
Stocked PMT-Detectors
Economy to High Performance
This MCA has been designed for use with NaI(Tl) scintillators with SiPM readout.Its small size low cost and power consumption combined with its built-in SiPM voltage supply make it deal for handheld industrial and commercial mass market applications.
FPGA-based MCA for highest throughput and lossless counting with lost mode and pulse shape discrimination capabilities. The embedded ARM M0+ 32-bit processor autonomously performs gain stablization.
This MCA is ideal for applications that benefit from a smart, self-contained MCA that can deliver, count rates, histograms, sample vs background counting and various alarmings, computations. The embedded ARM M0+ 32-bit processor also provides automatic gain stabilization for the attached detector.
This is an eMorpho FPGA-MCA integarated with a high voltage generator in a sealed housing. It includes an ARM processor to provide autonomous functions, such as gain stabilization and alarming, as well as custom functionality programmed in C.
This is an eMarpho MCA integrated with a high voltage generator in a sealed housing.
MCAs have been designed to serve all scintillator detectors - from standard NaI(Tl), CsI(Na) to fast plastics and high-precision LaBr3. One device and one software supports all. The eMarpho is a single-input multichannel analyzer, for all scintillators.
Neutron detectors achieve high efficiencies at very high gamma-ray rejection by using a combination of pulse height and pulse shape discrimination. Even the largest detectors work well in Co-60 fields of 10 to 20 mR/hour.
These are long neutron detector tubes, achieving efficiencies of σ=300cm^2 in 50cm-wide moderator. That is equivalent to 1.2cps per (ng Cf-252) at 2m distance.
They can be fitted with a temperature-compensated LED for gain and performance stabilization.
The purpose of the LED is counteract PMT aging. A PMT may lose about half is gain after delivering 50C of charge at its anode. The constant light from LED pulses can be used to measure the aging and compensate for it.
Integral detectors offer the best energy resolution since crystal is coupled directly to the PMT without an intervening glass window. Crystal and PMT are inside a permamently sealed housing, which also includeds the magnetic shield, while the MCA is a removable plug-on device.
As a result of this construction, if the crystal suffers mechanical damage, the PMT + crystal cannot be repaired
Composite detectors use an encapsulated scintillator crystal in an aluminium housing and with a glass window. The assembly is then coupled to PMT inside a light-tight housing which also includes the magnetic shield. The MCA is a removable plug-on device.
The advantage of this construction is that it is possible to replace a broken crystal and thereby repair a damaged detector.
The interface between the high-voltage supply and the PMT pins is sensitive to humidity and water condensation. In some detector designs can provide a cover for the MCA that protects the PMT high voltage pins.
When this is not possible, the customer is strongly advised to protect the PMT pins with a reliable moisture barrier.